A dreamer...

A dreamer...
Very much imaginative....

Sunday, 19 January 2014

My Original Digital Illustrations with it's Work on Progress

Cartooning  ( Subject- Global Worming)

 The Concept Sketch

The Final Output

Cartooning - (Subject - Generation Gap)

The Concept Sketch

 Colouring with Pencil colours

Final Output- The Digital One

Cartooning ( Subject - Romance )

The Concept Sketch

The Line Art / Inking

Final Output

2D Realistic Illustration ( Subject - Child Labor)

The Concept Sketch
The Final Output

2D Fantasy Character Design

Concept Sketch

The Digital Sketch

Final Output

2D Concept Art - Love In Rain

Concept Sketch

Digital Sketch

Final Output

Character Design - Wild Child

Basic Sketch of my character

Digital Sketch

Final Output

Monday, 6 January 2014

Chinese Girl Paintings

These are some Chinese girl paintings.. some are based on a referenced image ,and some of them are my own composition,, which are my own composition I mentioned there..

(My own composition )

(just take a base reference of the face, rest of it my own creation )

Another outdoor study on 1st January,2014

Outdoor study at Kolkata Maidan...